Archive for ◊ December, 2008 ◊

• Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Each year the Salmon swims upstream.
It does not know why but goes ahead, full steam.
Except to lay some eggs and for sure, die.
No matter what the cost is, is the silent cry.
The salmon have no choice but to keep its date.
Instinct forces it to swim upstream to meet its certain fate.

Swimming upstream is fraught with dangers and a sight not pretty.
Losing all your strength and stamina is a certainty.
Gets eaten by bears and raccoons along the way.
Death is the ultimate end and nature has its’ say.
Corporately its is almost suicide,
And socially you are an outcast with no place to hide

Conform and you die a slow and torturous death that’s for sure.
Living to a different drum beat means the life of a bohemian to endure.
All eyes will be on you, full of contempt.
Labelled a rebel, anti authority, anti management are their lament.
To think independently is a crime in their eyes, I fear.
It threatens authority, management & the church, oh dear!

To be different is definitely not of one’s choosing.
It is as natural as breathing.
Even when you force yourself to a different rhythm,
It will, over time, reverts back to its natural dictum.
You can pretend to be something else or someone you are not,
But like the leopard you are unable to change your spots

Be yourself  and stay on the your own course to the end.
Being different has its own rewards, my friend.
For us, flowing with the tide is mediocre living.
But to swim upstream is as natural as breathing,
Be free and breathe the fresh mountain air and it’s exhilarating.
So be true to yourself and keep on ticking.