• Saturday, June 20th, 2015


They teach and preach evolution all day,
Worship the high altar of C. Darwin everyday.
They poo poo you, if you disagree,
Denigrate and despise you, if contrary.
The intellectuals and media jump on you,
To sneer, laugh and double over, not a few.

They all ride their high horse pompously,
Chastise you, if you think differently.
The whales and dolphins often beached,
Men’s actions are contrary to what is preached.
On the shore, they all gathered to see,
And then dragged them back out to the sea.

The whales and dolphins are really trying,
Their flippers, fins and tails shedding.
With a mighty leap, their feet and hands to grow,
Really frustrating for them, don’t you know?
Wanting to walk upright and smoke cigars
And be pushed back to the sea again, dah!

Do they not see? Are they not believing?
Their DNA mutations are happening.
New species are evolving,
Their arms and legs to grow,
Hoping to dance and strum a banjo.
Really frustrating for them, don’t you know.

With their pride and intellect they elected,
The mighty hand of God rejected.
With thumbs up their noses to despise,
God’s beloved Son, the Almighty and Wise.
That they may believe Darwin’s evolution,
To God, the rejection and humiliation.

But I will praise you, Almighty Elohim Adonai,
Creator of The Milky Way, Orion and Beta Cygni.
Your glory in the flowers to me shared,
And in your Son your mercy displayed.
That sinners like me to forgive and bless
There is none like you, O God, I confess.

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