• Monday, July 07th, 2008

Hurry, work, hurry! hurry!
There is not enough time, really,
To plan or coordinate the project, everyone.
I do not have to know how work is done.
So if you work for me,
The curse is upon you already.

Hurry, work, hurry! hurry!
Time indeed is money.
Continuously improve or you’ll be sorry.
Must be on time or I’ll drive you crazy.
I don’t care if you work daytime
Nighttime, overtime or have no fun time

Hurry, work, hurry! hurry!
The work can be deadly.
I don’t have to be logical,
Or for that matter, reasonable.
First time 100 % quality is a must
Or you’ll be charged for rework tasks.

Hurry, work, hurry! hurry!
I am not the one on you, will pity.
All work must be broken into units very small
And if you deviate, I will nail you to the wall.
If you exceed your allocations,
All those above me will hear of your infractions.

Hurry, work, hurry! hurry!
You cannot rest or work slowly
Or you’ll be dreadfully sorry.
Your happiness is not my responsibility.
If my demands give you stress,
Maybe you need to change your work address.

Hurry, work, hurry! hurry!
Making the dateline is your only duty.
If you are dead early,
Then, here is another casket to bury.
You are not even a memory.
Who’s next in line?

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