• Saturday, March 15th, 2008

What are you willing to sell your soul for?
The monetary gain is huge.
The business world pays you respect
You will gain many new ‘friends’.
You will earn a position of power
You will have tremendous social conquests.

What are you willing to sell your souls for?
All you have to do is steal a little!
With the money you gain you can just about buy anything
You will never be in debt and you can even buy ‘love’
You can buy many mansions or Ferarris or have many servants.
You will even have ‘friends’ in Hollywood

What are you willing to sell your soul for?
All you have to do is cheat a little!
You’ll be listed as one of the top CEO’s in Fortune 500
You’ll be invited to speak by all the business leaders of the day
When you speak, they will listen and will take notes
People and staff will run to give up a chair or open the door

What are you willing to sell your soul for?
All you have to do is lie a little!
You may just get elected and be a politician
Look at all the power you have over both men and women
Look at all the bragging rights
You just have to look after number one

What are you willing to sell your soul for?
All you have to do is to sleep with a person here and a person there
What is important is you get what want
You can deceive a little and you don’t have to be true to anyone but yourself
As long as your needs are satisfied
Its about you, you and you

What are you willing to selling your soul for?
Little by little you sell your soul away and no one will ever know!
For success, for enjoyment, for security, for power, for egos!
One day you will find that there is no more left of your soul to sell.
The hollow and empty person has nothing left to barter!
Physically, you will not look any different but you will not recognize yourself.

What are you willing to sell your soul for?
Strange question indeed.
But who is buying or who will buy?
Who has been stocking up on souls?
What happens when there is nothing left to sell?
Then the buyer owns you lock, stock, and barrel.

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